
(Fjesbókin 8. desember).

Í dag eru 40 ár síðani John Lennon doyði, og í ár eru tað 80 ár síðani hann var føddur. Á 80 ára føðidegnum 9. oktober skrivaði bretski tónleikajournalisturin, kritikkarin og rithøvundurin David Stubbs hesar reglur um Lennon, og eg kundi neyvan sagt tað betur: 

""...John Lennon would have been 80 today. I've written a lot about him over the years. "Imagine" has come in for a coating today, and not unjustly, as it's mawkish, philosophically limp, tediously ubiquitous and a bit rich. But while he ran out of steam and relevance some time in the mid-70s, he produced a lot of really great work as a solo artist, alongside some dubious fare, stuff he could never have produced as a Beatle.
I don't exactly admire Lennon as a man. Yes, he was idealistic, at one point politically radical but he pretty much dropped all of that the night Nixon was re-elected in 1972. He was the most violent of pacifists, gullible, prone to trite sentiments masquerading as fundamental truths. He was a mass of abrasions and flaws. But he was, albeit inconsistent, profoundly sincere. He was a force, scabrous and direct, sometimes for good, essentially brilliant, like most of the rock'n'roll top table at whose centre he sits very near indeed. And he was guilty of domestic violence, it very much seems. He certainly did not deserve to die but As Pope John Paul I says to Michael Corleone in The Godfather III, "It is just that you suffer". The way he suffers here. A genius, with a legacy that will be remembered after practically all of us are forgotten dust; who might have grown into a good man." (via
Arnar Eggert Thoroddsen ).
Lennon hevði síni lýti og var serstakliga ófullkomin sum menniskja. Kortini hevur hann sagt mær meira enn so nógv onnur gjøgnum meira enn helvtina av mínum lívi. Eg eri nú um tann aldur, ið Lennon var, tá hann fór foldum frá - í grundleggjandi ólidnari útgávu. Herfyri komu tær báðar Plastic Ono Band LP'irnar í hús, og við sama høvi samrøðubókin Lennon On Lennon, har eitt úrval av týðandi samrøðum við mannin er savnað. Unfinished business, alt sum tað er, og tað er í lagi.
